_Find out more about your

Rights and entitlements

If you are a member of the Deaf Community, are Hard of Hearing, or are a parent of a child with hearing loss, you could qualify for a range of entitlements. Chime is here to help you navigate through the process and ensure that you get what you need.

_Help for


If you are a parent of a Deaf or Hard of Hearing child you may qualify for Domiciliary Care Allowance, Carer’s Allowance or the Incapacitated Children’s Allowance. You are also entitled to free Irish Sign Language tuition. 

Your child is entitled to free audiology services, including hearing aids. They can also avail of assistive technology both at home and in school.

To find out more about your entitlements contact Chime.


_Support for

Deaf adults

If you are a member of the Deaf community you are entitled to access all public service on an equal basis as other citizens. 

There are also Workplace Grants in place that you may be able to avail of and in 2024 Deaf people will also be able to avail of communication support in ISL in the workplace for the first time. 

Other allowances and schemes may be available to you, to find out more about your individual entitlements contact Chime.


_Advice for

Hard of Hearing people

If you are Hard of Hearing, and you need hearing aids, you may qualify for a hearing aid grant. Your employer is also able to avail of grants to make your workplace more accessible. You can also qualify for tax relief on equipment and technology, including hearing aids. 

There are a number of other grants and allowances available, to find out what you are entitled to contact the team at Chime.