We use descriptive headings and link text alternatives
Screen reader technology does not read web content but reads its HTML code. So anything identified as a heading in the code the screen reader announces as a heading. In this way, we help screen readers understand the information that our images convey. For link text, we use descriptive text that lets users know where the link takes them.
Short and concise paragraphs
All content is presented in short and concise paragraphs. This helps accessibility technology users decide whether to listen to the content or if they would prefer to skip it.
Use lists
Our HTML code for lists allows screen readers to announce the number mentioned in the list before reading each item. Users can decide if they want to listen to everything on the list or not or not.
Avoid unnecessary tables
We avoided using tables as they confuse screen readers. Tables inform screen readers about the number of rows and columns. This can get confusing to understand while reading any data in the tables.