Chime is an organisation covered by the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. Chime already makes a large volume of information available to the public in relation to its functions and activities on our website
The FOI Act requires government departments, the Health Service Executive, local authorities and other agencies to publish information on their activities and to make personal information available to its service users. It is Chime’s policy generally to make personal information available to service users on request without having to use the FOI Act.
In addition, the Freedom of Information Act establishes the legal right for a person to
The Citizens Information Board has more information about the workings of the FOI Act here
Procedures for accessing information under the Freedom of Information Act, 2014
Chime’s FOI Officer will assist you with any requests for information that you make under the FOI Act. If you need any assistance please phone 01 8175700, text 087 9221046 or email